Digitization of the company Infracert d.o.o.
On November 29, 2023, the company Infracert d.o.o. signed with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Voucher for digitalization, for the purpose of implementing the project called "Digitalization of the company Infracert d.o.o.", project reference number: NPOO.C1.1.2.R3 – I2.01. – V2.0210. The implementation of the project was co-financed from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026.
Project name: Digitization of the company Infracert d.o.o.
Brief description of the project: The aim of the project is to contribute to increasing the level of maturity of Infracert d.o.o. through the creation of a web application, with the help of vouchers for digital marketing. through the development of a digital business model and the strengthening of capacities for the implementation of digitization and digital transformation, which will ultimately increase the competitiveness and resilience of companies through the use of digital technologies.
Total value of the project: EUR 9,875.00
Grant amount: EUR 4,740.00
Duration of the project: 29.11.2023. – 29.11.2024.